Britain lowered its security threat level Saturday to “severe,” Prime Minister Theresa May said, as police continue to make progress investigating the suicide bomb attack in Manchester.

British police say they have arrested two more people in connection with the suicide bombing earlier in the week after an Ariana Grande concert.

The Greater Manchester Police said on Twitter they arrested two men — ages 22 and 20 — in raids on Saturday. The statement said a “controlled explosion” was used to gain entry to the men’s address in the Cheetham Hill neighborhood. A police tweet said, “A total of 11 men remain in custody for questioning.” 

The level had been raised to “critical” — meaning another attack was thought to be imminent — after Monday’s bombing at the pop concert in Manchester. The downgrade to “severe” means an attack still is considered highly likely.

Soldiers, who have been helping police, will be withdrawn from Britain’s streets.

Mark Rowley, head of Britain’s counter-terrorism police, said Friday “We are happy we’ve got our hands around some of the key players that we are concerned about, but there’s still a little bit more to do.” 

Manchester native Salman Abedi, 22, blew himself up in the lobby of Manchester Arena Monday just after pop singer Grande finished her concert.The explosion killed 22 people and wounded at least 116 children and adults. 

Police in Libya have detained Abedi’s father and brother.Details on how they may be tied to the bombing have not been released.

Many of the victims were young girls, a large part of Grande’s fan base.Others were parents who had gone to meet their children after the concert.The youngest victim was 8 years old. 

Grande says she will return to Manchester to do a benefit show to raise money for the victims and their families.No date has yet been set for the concert. 

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