Poland’s Foreign Ministry has suspended an honorary consul in the United States who allegedly posted on Facebook an altered picture of European Council President Donald Tusk dressed as a Nazi.

Maria Szonert-Binienda headed Poland’s honorary consulate in Akron, Ohio. She denies the charges.

Szonert-Binienda told the Associated Press someone hacked her Facebook account.

“I did not make a photo of Donald Tusk as an SS man. I am against promoting SS symbols and ideologies. I am against using words like ‘fascism’ in the public political discourse today. I am against comparing our politicians to Hitler,” she said.

Tusk is a former Polish prime minister.

Szonert-Binienda’s husband is a member of the ruling conservative government commission that is re-investigating the 2010 plane crash that killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

Kaczynski’s twin brother, Jaroslaw, is leader of the ruling Law and Justice Party, and a fierce political rival of Tusk.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski had accused Tusk of leading an incomplete investigation into the crash.

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