Trump Warns Rivals About Trade Practices in Davos Speech

Trump Warns Rivals About Trade Practices in Davos Speech

President Donald Trump has warned that the United States will no longer tolerate unfair trade practices and will always put...

Tokyo-based Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacked, $530 Million Lost

Tokyo-based Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacked, $530 Million Lost

Coincheck, a major cryptocurrency trading exchange in Tokyo, has been hacked into and has lost about $534 million worth of...

Analysts Skeptical of China’s Boast on Industrial Performance

Analysts Skeptical of China’s Boast on Industrial Performance

The Chinese government recently claimed that 98 major state-run industries have turned in the best industrial and financial performance in...

A Cheap Test for Potable Water

A Cheap Test for Potable Water

According to the World Health Organization, 2.1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water. Many of them...

Despite Sanctions, N. Korea Reportedly Exported Coal to S. Korea,  Japan via Russia

Despite Sanctions, N. Korea Reportedly Exported Coal to S. Korea,  Japan via Russia

North Korea shipped coal to Russia last year which was then delivered to South Korea and Japan in a likely...

Nutella Riots Spread Across France

Nutella Riots Spread Across France

Grocery shopping went a little nuts in France when a supermarket chain deeply discounted jars of Nutella. Aficionados of the...